We proudly present the exclusive Nani Makani Fan-Collection

Nani Makani is Hawaiian and means ‘beautiful wind’.

We present the most luxury and stylish way to always stay cool
and offer every outfit the chance to find the perfect companion for the evening, the
beach club, the business meeting or other extraordinary moments

All our fans are handmade. High-quality manufacturing meets exclusive designs.

Nani Makani INSIDE

Immerse yourself in the world of Nani Makani with interesting background information.

Have fun!

Panos Gotsis - Luxury Menswear


Panos is not only a wonderful person, he is also our friend, our role model and a great inspiration.

From the very first minute, he firmly believed in our vision and gave us the confidence that the idea of Nani Makani will be a great journey.

Now he has his own label and we love his collection Panos Gotsis - Luxury Menswear.
His ambition is the same as ours: High end quality for high end customers.


The genesis of Mystical Elegance draws inspiration from Amsterdam based Artist Stamatia Gotsi's profound fascination with fossils and rocks. This artwork belongs to the Rocks and Fossils series, where the artist presents her creative vision of the hidden wonders of natural beauty. 

The design created for Nani Makani delivers a strong message, urging us to cherish the wonders of nature and encouraging us to seek the beauty that exists both within us and in our surroundings.

A caftan and a fan.


A caftan and a fan.
It’s like a symbiosis, fashion twins and an expression of elegance and uniqueness.

Sometimes there are coincidences in life that feel like a Disney fairy tale.
When we meet Cameron for the first time in Berlin, I was amazed by his aura, his positive vibes and his friendliness.

This was the beginning of a wonderful friendship characterised by respect and love.

Nani Makani


Our company focuses on a high-quality selection of materials, handmade processing "Made in Germany" and environmentally friendly, recyclable products.

Our frames are made of certified precious water buffalo horn, finely polished and very exclusive.

Through elaborate printing processes, our fans receive exclusive brilliance in their colors and high-quality finishes.



Ohana means family - and this thought came to us when we visited the Wildlife
Fund Hawaii and saw how close the people are to the animals. We were particularly impressed by the care with which the team looks after the
endangered species of HAWAIIAN GREEN SEA TURTLE.

All babies are carefully collected and carried into the ocean. There, with luck,
they can begin their journey through life, which can last up to 50 years or more.
The Hawaiian Wildlife Fund supports this life journey, because global warming
and, above all, pollution of the oceans have led to this adorable HONU
(Hawaiian for turtle) now being threatened with extinction.

MARCO WAGNER, a very well-known and committed German artist, helped us
to realize OUR idea to support the dedicated helpers of the Wildlife Fund and drew this small and special Honu.

This is how our fan “OHANA” was created because.... Ohana means family.



There are people in our lives that we admire and adore.
Often they accompany us for many years and influence us, our lives, our style and sometimes even our goals and dreams although we (maybe) never met them personally.

Our Icon Collection is therefore a tribute to people (and a cat) who have influenced us in some way. 

What could be more beautiful than the thought that we carry their visions out into the world to show everyone how "Nani" (beautiful) this Makani (wind) is!

Cameron Silver!s Book caftans


The great book “Caftans” from Cameron Silver contained a big surprise for our CEO Constance.

She found a picture of her aunt Princess Editha Dussler Poniatowski in the Book.

Editha was one of the first German Top Models in the 60’ and 70’ in Paris and the photo was an old Vogue picture from 1966.

This was the beginning of a wonderful journey of two people who recognize appreciate and love the beauty in life.

Now Cameron is deep included in our Nani Makani Ohana. He loves the colorful NM fans and is our Brand Ambassador and our friend.

Our New Fan ELIZABETH coming soon!
custumer sized


You have an important event or need a fan for your business, hotel, restaurant or your show with your logo, your print or your bridal photo? We create your Nani Makani according to your ideas and with your design.Write us! 

Let us know what inspires you and we will impress your guests with an unforgettably cool giveaway.

We promise!
